“Protesting can topple governments, informs, illuminates,
entertains and raises awareness –
and it's impossible to imagine life without it.”
For our Political protest, myself and my group had to
research about our topic which was ‘Victim blaming against women’ and gather a
variety of information that we can use to pass on to the people who are
watching. I and my group came together in the library to use the internet so we
can search up cases of victim blaming and peoples different opinions on them.
We decided that the internet would be the best way to do this type of research
because we wanted to research from other countries as well as England. To
create an effective and strong performance we needed to have valid information
as our topic was very personal. We decided as a group to find different
opinions from people on Victim Blaming and write them separately on paper for
people to make their own opinions on. This was to raise awareness on the
serious topic and for people to understand that it’s a topic that needs to be
I multi-rolled in our protest. Half of the time I was joined
with my group to chant ‘Women are not guilty for the violence committed by men
on their body, mind or spirit. We also had Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke playing
in the background in which we chanted in-between. When the lyric ‘I know you
want it’ came up, our group would shout ‘Do we?’ which really caught attention
from the audience, especially because it was a popular and recent song so
people could relate to it. The other role in which I undertook was to act as a drunken
woman with a cup of alcohol screaming and dancing and showing the audience that
I was having a good time. This was to represent how women should be able to enjoy
themselves and have fun without being approached inappropriately. Willa would
walk me down the stairs as I stumbled around. I sometimes read out quotes such
as ‘But did you see what she was wearing’ and 'Boys will be boys' which caught people’s attention
because I interacted with them.
I think that I portrayed my role really clearly and managed
to make it artistic. I feel that by using a character it really helped me to
feel even more passionate about it. Walking around and using Theatre to protest
was really interesting and I enjoyed it as a whole. I found that when people saw me as a drunk lady who was clearly a victim of rape who would experience victim blaming, they started to film me and watch what I was doing as if I really was drunk. I think that by interacting with the audience I was using both protest skills and Theatre skills. I found it really interesting when a group of people asked me if I was ok when I was playing the victim in our protest, I would then go on to tell them about victim blaming. I feel that this was one of the most important ways to get our message across because it was actually getting into peoples minds.
In my opinion, my group and I carried out the protest very professionally. We made sure that we took a lot of time to plan out exactly what we were going to do. The location was a key aspect in which we had to consider because we wanted as many people to see our protest as possible. We decided that the platform on the stairs in the main building was perfect as it would be easy to view and also puts people in a situation where they have to hear what we are saying because they would need to pass us.I think a protest needs a lot of planning because if it doesn't go the way you expected, then the message that you are trying to portray may not get across and therefore become unsuccessful. I think that a good way to quantify our protest would be to see how many people paid attention to it. If our protest was successful, in which I think it was, then more people are going to come and listen and start to think about the situation.
Our protest had many strengths. I think that one strength is that we had a very dedicated group with a lot of potential between us all. We were all very passionate about the subject therefore I feel that we all worked really hard to make the protest the best we could. I feel that our timing was really accurate and we each had different roles in which we kept on task the entire time. I feel that Willa and I worked together really well because we interacted with the audience together by walking up and down the stairs protesting about my clothes. I think Chloe and I portrayed our characters really well and it made people stop and watch which was the aim. I found it really interesting when every so often the whole group would come together and shout out a quote which we found in our research, once we had done that we would go back into our roles and play the music. Stuart our head teacher came over and told our group that he found our topic really meaningful and interesting so I think that it really boosted our confidence and made us want to work even harder because we felt that we had made a good impression. Everyone in the group put in even amounts of effort and therefore we became successful. However, there are always ways to improve a performance. A problem that we had to over come is that one of our group members that we had rehearsed with and had depended on for equipment wasn't in. As a group, we all had to use our initiatives and work around that. One weakness that I think the group had is that at the beginning when everyone first started our protests we were a bit quieter than other groups so we all felt like we really had to up our game in order to get attention, I think that identifying weaknesses is the best way to learn.
I think that Protest is a really good way to express our theatrical personality's! As a theatre pro.jpg)
duct, it helps us to work together in teams to produce a piece of work, just like a play. Posing a question to audiences and making them make their own opinions relates to Brechts idea of making the audience create their own interpretation. Protesting helped me to focus on my voice. This will help me in the future when I do my political monologue. This also helped me to build up a strong personality because it was a serious topic. Overall, I think that the Protest was really exciting to do and I hope that in the future we are able to do another one. I feel we created a piece that successfully communicated our ideas to the audience in a way that left them thinking about their own ideals and approach to our chosen subject.
In my opinion, my group and I carried out the protest very professionally. We made sure that we took a lot of time to plan out exactly what we were going to do. The location was a key aspect in which we had to consider because we wanted as many people to see our protest as possible. We decided that the platform on the stairs in the main building was perfect as it would be easy to view and also puts people in a situation where they have to hear what we are saying because they would need to pass us.I think a protest needs a lot of planning because if it doesn't go the way you expected, then the message that you are trying to portray may not get across and therefore become unsuccessful. I think that a good way to quantify our protest would be to see how many people paid attention to it. If our protest was successful, in which I think it was, then more people are going to come and listen and start to think about the situation.
Our protest had many strengths. I think that one strength is that we had a very dedicated group with a lot of potential between us all. We were all very passionate about the subject therefore I feel that we all worked really hard to make the protest the best we could. I feel that our timing was really accurate and we each had different roles in which we kept on task the entire time. I feel that Willa and I worked together really well because we interacted with the audience together by walking up and down the stairs protesting about my clothes. I think Chloe and I portrayed our characters really well and it made people stop and watch which was the aim. I found it really interesting when every so often the whole group would come together and shout out a quote which we found in our research, once we had done that we would go back into our roles and play the music. Stuart our head teacher came over and told our group that he found our topic really meaningful and interesting so I think that it really boosted our confidence and made us want to work even harder because we felt that we had made a good impression. Everyone in the group put in even amounts of effort and therefore we became successful. However, there are always ways to improve a performance. A problem that we had to over come is that one of our group members that we had rehearsed with and had depended on for equipment wasn't in. As a group, we all had to use our initiatives and work around that. One weakness that I think the group had is that at the beginning when everyone first started our protests we were a bit quieter than other groups so we all felt like we really had to up our game in order to get attention, I think that identifying weaknesses is the best way to learn.
I think that Protest is a really good way to express our theatrical personality's! As a theatre pro
duct, it helps us to work together in teams to produce a piece of work, just like a play. Posing a question to audiences and making them make their own opinions relates to Brechts idea of making the audience create their own interpretation. Protesting helped me to focus on my voice. This will help me in the future when I do my political monologue. This also helped me to build up a strong personality because it was a serious topic. Overall, I think that the Protest was really exciting to do and I hope that in the future we are able to do another one. I feel we created a piece that successfully communicated our ideas to the audience in a way that left them thinking about their own ideals and approach to our chosen subject.
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