Saturday, 13 December 2014


We were given a variety of questions to answer as a group.

How much time do you spend on social networking sights, watching TV or playing video games? I think I spend around five hours a day on social networking sights and around an hour watching TV. I don't really enjoy playing video games as I find them boring and brain numbing!

What would you like to change?
If I could change anything it would be how much time I spend on my phone... which is a lot! I find it so addictive and feel lost when I haven't checked Twitter in a while!

What power do I have?
To succeed. I have all the power to get what I feel I want in life and the only person stopping myself is me.

What am I scarce of? 
Failure. I love to succeed and do the best I can... and learn from it.

What are your ideals (what do you believe in)? 
I believe in world peace. An ideal world would be no racism, feminism, homophobes etc. I am a strong believe in positive energy and drive.

What would you do to make this happen?
Be the best person I can. Be strong, have good and strong opinions, always have wisdom and treat people the way that you want to be treated. I believe in the quote 'What comes around goes around".

What stops you from gaining what you want? 
You can blame others for stopping you from getting what you want, due to stubbornness which is what I tend to do. However, I have realised that the only person stopping you from getting what you want is yourself. If you want to archive something then you do everything in your power to get it.

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